Stock of Costumes

A shared stock of costume pieces from projects and individual collections

Our costume collection is available for fitting, borrowing, research and for inspiration for Berlin art and culture projects, in particular independent performing arts projects. Profit-orientated and private projects as well as film and television projects are excluded from use.
The items are industrial goods from the last 100 years and unique workshop pieces. The costumes come from completed projects or disbanded collections of individual artists and theatre groups. In addition to clothing, we have shoes, masks, wigs, bags and other accessories. You can find an insight into our costume collection in our costume database (in German).

Fittings, measurement charts, specialist literature and advice are also available for the development of a costume design. We also provide networking and tips to help you realise your idea.

Our Textile Workshop at Haus der Materialisierung (HdM) can be used independently after an introduction and if you are professionally qualified. A longer-term rental is particularly welcome.

The stock of costumes receives funding from Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Europe since 2018.


Important facts at a glance

– The stock of costumes is only for freelance artists of the theater, performance, dance, circus and staging art division

– Make an appointment by email or call for viewing, borrowing and returning

– Calculate with approx. 1 hour for the search per figure and with 1/4 hour for formalities when borrowing or returning

– A deposit is requested when borrowing, preferably in cash. We do not have a card reader. We will be happy to give you an estimate of the rental fee over the phone

– For the first loan we need an identity card or registration certificate

– There are various rental fee conditions (see left or below): In 2-week increments, cooperation flat rate or special agreement

– Costs: The rental fee for 2 weeks is between 1.50 € and 60 € per costume item. A longer rental period is possible and will be discounted

– Reservations, e.g. for resumptions, are possible, as well as support for resumptions

– Costumes that belong to the Kostümkollektiv and have never been lent out can be purchased