New offers from Fetzen&Flicken

In addition to the open repair and alteration workshop, we are now offering new formats of knowledge transfer that provide information on the background of fast fashion and the numerous environmental and resource-saving alternatives. In cooperation with partners at Haus der Materialisierung (HdM), such as Kunst-Stoffe, STREETWARE saved item and Ort-Schafft-Material, we encourage to develop a more sustainable approach to clothing.
You can find our current offers under Textile Workshop

Our exciting partners at HdM also have great offers: Whether it’s a workshop, interior design or stage design – Kunst-Stoffe will help you with the right materials! At the zero-waste construction and creative market on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3-7 p.m., you can get advice on planning and designing creative projects with used materials. In the workshop “Zero waste now – this is how sustainable consumption works”, the lending experts from Cosum use practical exercises to show how waste can be avoided in everyday life. BAUFACHFRAU Berlin e.V. is offering a new educational program for multipliers in which the revaluation of materials with signs of use and the design process with a limited supply of materials are taught in a practical way. And together with Berliner Stadtmission, material cycles can be experienced in guided tours and low-threshold techniques and knowledge about the recycling of textiles are taught in workshops.
If you are interested in offers that are not from Kostümkollektiv, send an email to and they will put you in touch with the workshop leaders directly.

Since 2021, Kostümkollektiv has been involved at Haus der Materialisierung at Alexanderplatz and runs the Zentrum für klimaschonende Ressourcennutzung (ZfkR) under the sponsorship of Kunst-Stoffe e.V. together with other partners. ZfkR is funded within the framework of the Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Program 2030 by the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Mobility, Transport, Climate Action and the Environment.