New Stock of Costumes – Grant holder

Our current Stock of Costumes – Grant goes to Janina Albecker for the costume design for “Like Lovers Do (Memoirs of Medusa)” by Sivan Ben Yishai and directed by Simon Klösener with 15 students from the Drama School Reduta-Berlin. The premiere will take place on December 16, 2022. Janina Albecker studies costume design with Nicole Timm at the BSP Business & Law School Berlin.

Workshop for costume design in theater and film

A two-day introduction to the world of theater and film costume design led by Silvia Albarella for anyone who works with costumes and would like to gain insight into this profession.
The various aspects of costume design will be analyzed by using different costume designs and styles as examples, and illustrated by means of slide shows and the examination of concrete costumes. With the help of warm-ups and playful work with colors and fabrics, participants will be guided to create a costume image. Other costume design practices, such as mask making, dyeing and patination will be taught. Figurines can also be designed with the help of collages. Finally, the result will be documented with photos.

When: Saturday, November 12 + Sunday, November 13, 12 – 19 pm
Where: Stock of costumes at Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Course number: FK2.867
Information on course registration:,
Fee: 55 Euro / reduced 29 Euro

Survey About Artistic Workspaces for Berlin’s Independent Arts Community

Art needs space!
With this Survey About Artistic Workspaces, the space needs for the disciplines of performing arts, dance, music, literature and project spaces within the independent arts community will be determined. After all, the features of the existing spaces as well as those to be created should be oriented to the needs of Berlin’s artists. Please complete this survey and tell us what you need!
The survey will run until November 6, 2022:
This is being carried out by an academic team on behalf of Kulturraum Berlin GmbH together with PROSA (Projekt zur Schaffung künstlerischer Arbeitsräume [Project to Create Artistic Workspaces] of Bündnis Freie Szene Berlin e.V.).

BEST LEFTOVERS – Workshop in our Textile Workshop

Making masks and assecoires with interesting materials from our stock of costumes. From old hats, gaudy synthetic hair wigs, cardboard noses from VEB Festartikel, old rubber boots or tulle flounces we will make strange, whimsical and funny costume pieces. Participation is free of charge and requires no prior knowledge.

When: Saturday, October 15, 2022 | 3 – 7 pm
Where: Haus der Materialisierung (HdM), Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72, 10178 Berlin: Access via Berolinastrasse / Mollstrasse, behind the “Werkstatt” from the Haus der Statistik -> location map

Open Call: 1st Stock of Costumes – Grant 2023

From October 1 to November 15, 2022 costume designers can apply for a stock grant and use our stock of costumes at particularly favourable conditions. Interested parties with independent productions in all genres of the performing arts in Berlin that will be staged in the 1st half of 2023 (January 1 to June 30) can apply.
The decision regarding the awarding of the grant will usually be made four weeks after the closing date. The application for the stock grant is made via the online PDF application form available for download here on our website under Stock of Costumes.